Saturday, December 31, 2016

Paperback for Twilight Series

Smell the papers between your hands. Refresh your memories of a loved. Delight yourself in the Twilight Paperback series. Click the Images to Purchase.


Living this thing called Life Chapter 4

Chapter 4
                The next morning as I’m eating a bowl of Fruity Pebbles my mother walks in dressed in her nursing outfit. She been a certified nurse for nearly thirty years. “How’s Janelle?” I asks as she sits down at the kitchen table. “She’ll be okay. You know how she and Liam is.” She say putting her purse on the table.
“Everybody knows. The whole world knows. They fuss every chance they get.” I say. Everybody knows about them is becoming tense how they’re both about to graduate. I empty the milk into the sink and wash the bowl out. “What made her cry?” I ask pouring dishwashing detergent into the bowl. “He changed his mind about going to college.” She answers.
“No.” I say surprised. I dry the bowl and putting it in the cabinet. “Yep.” She say popping the p. “He’s rather stay home.” “Does it have to do with another girl?” I ask curious. “Why? What you know?” She asks getting nosey. “It’s just a question. I don’t know nothing, Mom.” I laugh out hearing my phone beeping from in the living room.
“My phone, Mom.” I say pointing to the living room trying to rush out of the kitchen. “Is it another girl?” She yells as I’m jogging into the living room. “Saved by the Eric.” I say grabbing my phone off the charger and seeing a text from Eric. He wants to hang out.
“Mom, I’m going to hang out at Eric’s house.” I yell walking towards the front door. He lives a house down. “Be back by seven.” Mom yells from the kitchen. “Okay.” I say walking out of the house and jogging off the porch and past the mailbox.
“Slow down.” I hear someone yell and I turn to the direction to the voice to come face to face with Matt Tyler, Liam’s younger brother call from his house. I hated Matt Tyler with his green eyes, pretty boy face and his blonde hair. He was a straight bully when it came to me. He thought he was the star around here because he played football, his mom worked as a doctor and his father worked for the city council.
“You know how to shake things up?” He shouts looking me right in my face. “Shake things up?” I ask jogging pass his house and down the street deciding to ignore him. I look behind me to see him walking off his porch. “Leave her alone, Matt.” A voice yell from inside of his house.
I just keep jogging another house down to see Eric standing on his porch waiting for me. “Just wanted to make sure she gets the geek house.” He say walking back on the porch. “I am not in the mood.” I yell walking up to Eric’s porch.
“How you doing, Mia?” He asks as I’m walking up the steps on his porch. “I’m doing okay, Eric. You ready to hang out?” I ask pulling my shirt down after it rose up from jogging while he’s glaring at Matt whose just grinning. “Let’s just hang out. It’s Saturday.” I say walking into his house and seeing the living room full DVDs.
“You want to have a movie marathon day.” I say taking a seat not before grabbing one of the DVD’s. “Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings.” I mutter with distaste. “I texted you last night.” Eric say finally coming into the house after the teen battle with Matt. “About the marathon. I seen the texted when I finally opened my phone ten minutes ago.” He sits down on the couch rubbing on his thighs nervously.
After nearly twenty minutes of silence between us. “Anybody else?” I ask looking around the living room. “The guys are coming later.” He say grabbing the remote and turning the TV onto the DVD screen. “I’ll be back.” He say getting up pointing to the kitchen. I nod as he make a quick exit. I jump when the front door is slammed loud. I turn my head when I see Nate and Thomas standing behind me laughing.
Nate and Thomas when you’ll find one, you’ll find the other. They always stick together probably because they been close friends since elementary school. I watch Nate walk in the back of the kitchen where Eric is at.
“You need to tell your parents to get that door fixed. It slams loud.” He say holding up a grocery bag. “What you got?” I ask Thomas and he just shake his head flopping on the couch. “Where’s the girls?” I asks as Eric walks back out with a bowl of ice and plastic cups. “You’re the only girl. We’re all geeks, Mia.” He say placing it in the middle of the table.
“I know I was just checking.” I say tossing the DVD to Thomas who puts it into the DVD player and hit play. “Did you see Matt talking about me?” I ask Nate, who’s also Matt’s cousin. “He likes you.” He casually say making me snicker while Thomas shake his head.
“He does not.” “He likes you or he just hate fat people.” He respond causing Thomas to punch him in the shoulder. “Ow.” He say rubbing his shoulder. I’m not that fat. “I am not in the mood. I get enough of his bullying during school and to add his brother dating my sister.” I say as Thomas turn the TV up. “What’s first?” Eric asks changing the subject. “Lord of the Rings.” He answers. I shake my head this going to be one long day.
Nate grab’s the remote ready to hit play on the DVD player. “Abbey’s not here yet.” Thomas say knocking the remote out of his hand. “Who is Abbey?” I asks getting comfortable. “She’s the girl who you almost fought.” Nate answer. Thomas look at me quick. “You almost fought Abbey. Why?” He asks.
                “I did not almost fight her. She tried to get me kicked out of the computer lab.” I explain looking at Eric who’s once again not looking at me. “I seen it. She was about to fight her.” “She came at me first. Say she did not.” I say looking at Nate causing Thomas to look at him quick. “Did she? That doesn’t sound like Abbey we know.” He just shrug. “You’re not gonna talk bad about Abbey.” Thomas say fiercely. “You don’t say nothing to me. I don’t say nothing back. It’s easy as that.” I say while seeing Eric just staring at the TV.
                “There’s her bike.” Nate say looking out of the window. I look outside seeing her getting off her yellow bike feeling wind hit the back of my head. I turn quick holding the back of my head looking at Thomas opening the door. “He likes her.” Nate explain looking at Eric.
                “You like her too?” I ask Eric wanting to know. He shake his head. I nod looking at Thomas and her walk into the living room with her eyes on me.  I just turn my head towards the TV. “I’m not staying.” She say. “Why?” Thomas asks. “Because she don’t like me.” “I like everybody but you’re not gonna come at me like you did.” I explain.

                “Can we just watch the movies?” Thomas asks trying to diffuse the situation. “I’m ready.” I say watching her take a seat on the other side on Eric’s right side. Thomas sit between Nate and Eric. “Let’s watch.” Nate say using the remote to press play. I study Thomas’s hurt face as he slides off the couch and on the floor. “You can sit right here. I’m much smaller.” I suggest. “I’m okay.” He say while Nate shake his head. I nod turning back to the movie.

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Friday, December 30, 2016

Angel in her Life Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Classified Bully
Why, Why, Why do my charge have to be in a class, with students that are more about social life than school work. I mean come on, how does half the class don’t have school supplies with them? Crap and I’m a part of the class that don’t have any.
You would think the council would supply with supplies before they sent me here. Cheap Bastards. I’ll have to borrow some from Bella.
“Hey Bella, you think I can borrow some paper and a pen” “Sorry I only have paper” Only have paper. This is a history class right, or is it a Gym class. How do you start the day off with only paper. This is her second class, what her pen get lost between switching classes?
“I’ll get us a couple of pens” Who in here look they have lots of pens? Oh a geek. “Hey kid.” I say while walking up to him. “I’m not a kid” Seems like this kid just got himself a bully. “Look kid give me a couple of pens and I won’t beat you down during lunch.” Yeah he pulled the pens out fast. Oh Yeah I still got it or is the way I look that got him scared. “Thanks kid.” I say while walking away.
“Here you go Bella” I say while handing her a pen. “Thank you, you didn’t threaten anyone for this did you?” My God. Is that how they look at me like a bully already, and it haven’t even been an hour yet. “Nope, just asked nicely. I say while sitting down.

What do you know these kids don’t know jack? I am in High School right, unless they are now just skipping people left and right to get them out of school. How do you answer a question? With a question? All hell I’m doing it myself. Thank God. Saved by the bell.
“Remember students your papers are due in two weeks.” Papers what papers. What the hell is he talking about? “Teach what the hell are you talking about?” I say as I walk to his desk. He looks at me like I’m crazy. “Ah I see you really are a delinquent, with the words you are using.” He must not have seen me threaten that geek earlier. I see he’s going to get a visit out of me later.
“Mr. Howard” You better Thank Bella tonight Howard, she just saved you from a visit to the hospital. “Yes Bella” “She can be my partner” Wait Partner. “For the paper, if that’s okay with you? I can explain to her what the paper is about at lunch?”
Wow. Not only did she invite me to sit next to her at lunch, without asking me. She just cost me a chance to take someone else paper to be turned in. “That’s nice of you Bella, Lacie can learn a few things from you” He said while smirking. Perv and a Bastard.
Shame. I just got here and already we’re going to have a new history teacher. “Its no problem Mr. Howard, come on Lacie I can show you to the Lunch Room”
“Thanks Bella, See you Later Mr. Howard.” I said while walking out the Classroom. At your house that is. “He does that, talk to us that way like he’s better than us” Bella says while we’re walking in the hallway.
Oh Yeah definitely going to visit him. “Don’t worry he won’t be a problem no more” “What do you mean by that?” “You’ll see” I say while smirking. “You’re not going to kill him are you?” Kill him, where did that come from is it because of the gloves. “I don’t kill people.”
“Come on lets head to Lunch.”

Living this thing called Life Chapter 3

Chapter 3
                The rest of the day went back smoothly, it was not until I got into lunch that things started to go south. I’m waiting in line to pay for my bag of chip and ice tea when a girl decides she wants to take all day to pay for her lunch. “I thought I had money on my account.” The brown haired girl in front of me say to the lunch lady. “You don’t have no money.” She responds back looking at register. I look at the time. I only got thirty minutes left to get to the computer lab if all the computers are not taken.
                I look at the girl going through her purse. “I’ll pay her for.” I say going into my pocket and getting out a five dollar bill. “You don’t have too.” She say as I hand it to the lunch lady who looks unsure. “Let me. I have to be somewhere in like five minutes. It’s just a little change.” I say looking at the clock tick down while taking the change.
                “Thank you.” She say grabbing up her lunch tray. “No problem. Just the chips and drink.” I say showing her and grabbing a sugar cookie. I pay the amount and exit the lunch line not before noticing students from the lunch table where the girl sat at all looking at me mostly a boy. I barely make it out of the lunch room when I hear my name being called.
                I turn to the direction of the voice and see the same boy getting up from the table walking up to me going into his wallet. “Two dollars. My girlfriend get like that sometimes.” He say annoyed handing me to the money. “Thank you.” I say taking the money and he doesn’t say anything back. I shake my head walking off when feeling his eyes burning holes into my back.
                I was able to make it to the computer lab to see a couple of spots available. I see Eric hovered over some black haired girl. I take my seat placing my snacks under the chair. I log onto the computer, sneaking looks at him and the girl. I never seen him so close up on any girl.
                I know he see me because he keeps looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “You need something, Mia?” He asks looking at me. “Nope.” I say turning back to my computer, logging onto the internet. He turns back to helping the girl.
                “Yeah.” I say hitting the power cord that’s hooked to my computer off with my right foot. It shuts the computer off. “What happened?” I ask confused looking at the black screen pressing on the keys. “Excuse me. I’ll be back.” I hear Eric say to the girl and walking over to me. He press a couple of keys while I look at the girl who sneak peeks at me. “So who is that girl? I never seen her before?” I ask he looks over the computer.
                “Just a friend who’s in my science class and club.” He answer pressing different buttons on the keyboard. “What club?” I ask confused even though I heard him. “Science club. You didn’t hear me?” He asks going under the table. I shake my head no. “I think your foot hit the switch.” He say pressing the power button. The red light on the computer screen lights up showing that it’s powered back up.
                “Can you cut it on for me?” I ask noticing the girl still looking at us. “I think she has a crush on you.” I say and he hit his head on the desk coming from under it. He rub his head in pain. “Are you okay?” The girl asks him.
                “Are you okay?” I ask too hitting the power button on powering it on. “I am.” He say answering the girl but not me. “You have food and a beverage. Those are not allowed.” He say pointing to the sign that says no food in the computer lab.
                “Are you snitching?” I ask him. “You’ll have to leave before you’re banned.” He say serious. I push both my chips and drink under the chair. “It’s no food.” The girl comment adding her two cent in. I look from her to Eric who’s staring at me.  “She’s right, Mia. It’s no food in here.” He adds. “I brought for you because you don’t like to each lunch and I know how you like to skip lunch some times.” I say lying going under my chair to grab them.
                “I don’t want them. You’ll have to leave having food in a computer lab, Mia.” He say patiently waiting on me to get up and leave out. “Okay, you don’t have to stand over me, Eric.” I say looking at while looking at the girl in the crack of my eyes who’s also staring at me. “I’m not.” He say. “You don’t have to stare.” I say looking at her.
                “Just making sure you leave out.” She adds while I just stare at her. “I don’t have to leave out. Why don’t you turn back around?” I ask catching an attitude noticing other students staring at us. “Mia, don’t.” Eric say. “She’s not gonna talk to me like that, Eric. I don’t know who she is nor do I care. You don’t open your mouth like that to me.” I explain to him.
                “Do you want me to leave?” I ask him. “No food allowed.” “But I don’t have to leave?” I ask looking at her turning back to the computer. “No. Just get rid of it.” “And the problem is solved.” I say grabbing my snacks and getting up. “But I will leave.” I say noticing a staff member walking in my direction. “It was not that serious, Mrs. White.” I say reading her name tag.

                “You know the rules. No Food or Drinks allowed.” She explain pointing to the sign. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” I say pushing my chair into the desk. “Get your girlfriend, Eric.” I yell walking out of the room feeling eyes on my back. I calm down changing direction to walk to my locker. 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Angel in her Life Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Gray Hair Deliquent!
Twilight Characters owned by Stephenie Meyer.
             They just had to assign me to this small town Forks, all because I stood up to the council. Thank God they can’t kill me what they going to do stop my heart its already stopped.
Here I am waiting outside the classroom like a good little girl, the home room teacher better watch who he looking at freaking perv. I see the way he looks at me.
“Attention Class, we have a new student today why don’t you come in and introduce yourself.” I hear the teacher say. I walk in the classroom and everybody looks at me. A new girl move to Forks and they look at you like you’re an alien. So what I have short grey hair and I wear black gloves, it ain’t like I committed a crime.
             “Are you going to introduce yourself or just look around?” Well, well, well seems like I’ve found the so-called princess of the school. “Sorry, just trying to familiarize myself with the faces of my classmates” I say while smirking. “The names Lacie. Lacie Thorne. I’m from up-state.” I say while pointing up. “That’s it. Any Questions?”
“ I have one” Should have known it would be her. “What’s with the gray hair and gloves, are you so kind of delinquent? I mean this isn’t Grease so why are you dressed like you’re part of the movie.” The whole class laughs except one girl. Found her. Brown hair, small frame. Yep that’s my charge.
              “Well to answer your question princess, my hair’s grey because I’m special and the reason I wear gloves is so I can beat people like you up for talking about my hair” I say while cracking my knuckles and smirking. What I love to smirk. That got her scared. “Question time over. Where I am I sitting at Teach?”

“You can sit next to Bella” He said pointing to her. She raises her hand. I sit down next to her, hold my hand out and say “Lacie Thorne” and she shakes my hand and say “Bella Swan” “I have a feeling we’re going to get along quite well Bella heck I might even change your life”

Miss the Twilight Series

Miss the Twilight Series. Here's your chance at rereading them again. We all loved the movies and the books. It's still has a cult favorite and even though it's been five years since the last movie Breaking Dawn Part 2 came out. We still love it. Click the Images to Purchase.

Living this thing called Life Chapter 2

Chapter 2
                It’s raining on this Friday morning, Janelle already left for school with her friends. They all carpool together while I walk to school. It’s in walking distance and it’s only a fifteen to twenty minute walk to the school. I wait in the living room for Eric and his friends to walk past my house, so we can walk to school together. It’s been our routine since I saw him walking pass my house one morning without his friends and I caught up with him and suggested that we walk together.
He didn’t say no nor anything else. I guess because his friends wasn’t walking with him that day or he was just nervous and shy about having a girl walk with him to school. So I try to make it my habit to at least catch him every day, so we can walk together to school.
                Who is Eric? He’s a brown eyed, average glasses wearing teenage boy with a knack for being a geek.  I met him in computer club. I was new to the club and didn’t know how to log onto the computer. He gave me a password and walked off. I don’t remember how we struck up a friendship. It just came naturally.
                I look out the window for the eighth time, this time getting lucky to see him waiting in front of my mailbox for me. “Mom, that’s Eric.” I yell putting on my heavy coat to fight off this rain. “Coming home after school?” She yells from the kitchen.
                “Computer club on Fridays, Mom.” I yell grabbing my book bag and opening up the front door. I wave at Eric who’s wearing new glasses. “Where are your old glasses?” I ask closing the door and locking it. “They broke playing wrestling with the guys.” He explain while I’m walking towards him.
                “Hm.” I say zipping up my jacket to my chin and we head off walking down the street. “Did you get the text?” He asks. “I got one from Thomas but not yours. I haven’t checked my phone since then. Who got arrested?” I ask waving at the neighbors who’s going off to work. “I don’t know they drove past my house and turned the corner.” He explain looking away. “You can never look me in the eyes.” I say looking while his attention is somewhere else.
“I get I’m a girl but treat me as one of the guys too. Don’t let my big boobs fool you.” I joke looking down at my chest patting on them. He just let out a nervous chuckle. I chuckle too.
                For the rest of the walk to school it was silent, it’s always silent when me and Eric is walking together. After battling the wind, it had the nerve to start raining hard as soon as we got into the school parking lot. We had to rush into school with the rest of the students.
                The floor was so slippery in the hallways, I would’ve fell on my face if it wasn’t for another who was walking behind me. He grabbed me by my waist to catch me causing everybody to stare at us. Can’t a boy a save a girl without this much attention on them. “Thank you.” I say pulling down my shirt as he grabs my books from off the floor.
                “No problem. You gotta be careful.” He say handing me my books and walking into the classroom, sitting at his table next to Nate, who’s staring at him. I notice students still staring at me as I’m walking towards my seat. I sit down at my desk and Nate turns around in his seat to face me.
                “Are you okay?” He asks concerned. “I almost fell on my face and nearly had a heart attack. I’m okay.” I say holding my chest trying to calm my heart that’s beating fast. He turns back around than pat on Matt’s back. “Nice save.” He compliment. I look Mr. Wilkins, my science teacher who’s in his early thirties cleaning the mess up with paper towels.

                “Watch your step.” He warns to the rest of the students who’s walking in. “It’s dangerous out there, Mr. Wilkins” Carly, the girl who sits in front of me, say walking past him and sitting in front of me. “Are you okay?” She asks facing me. “I’m okay.” I say nodding and she turns back around not before looking in the direction of boy who saved me. I breathe out opening up my book bag ready to begin class.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Jade Jones

Click Images to Purchase.
Cameron is a young, sexy hustler who's always used her book and street smarts to survive. A full-time student at Cleveland State University, she's destined to take the path leading to success--even if means twirling around a pole every night just to make ends meet.

Although, dancing wasn't Cameron's ideal career, she's more than willing to deal with the drama and chaos that comes with the territory. However, what she isn't prepared for is dealing with the sticky situations her loud mouthed best friend constantly puts her in.

Not only that, but Cameron somehow has to find a way to juggle work, school, and her overly controlling boyfriend, Silk. If dealing with a sheisty friend and overzealous boyfriend aren't enough, things really heat up when Jude Patterson comes into the picture. Filled with love, drama, and betrayal, "Cameron" will surely take you on an emotional roller coaster ride. In the end, you'll be left to wonder who you can and cannot trust.

Living this thing called Life Chapter 1

Chapter 1
I’m leaning on my bedroom window thinking about my life and how it has changed since we moved to this new town. I grin slightly thinking of my mother and older sister. I’m only 16 and I feel like my life has already ended since moving here. My life and my sister’s life was changed when our mom got a new job and moved us nine hours from our home.
My mom’s a certified nurse and has been for at least twenty years. She moved us here when her friend notified her about the opening at a new clinic that was in need of nurses and doctors. We packed up all of our things, furniture, pictures and even the carpet to move to a three bedroom house with only two bathroom. It’s been hectic since moving here from trying to find new friends. My sister has had it hard from having moved here. She was a popular girl who had many friends.
She even had a boyfriend but they broke up because they couldn’t take the long distance relationship. She found someone else but it was never the same. I had a few friends but I mostly stayed to myself. I can count how many friends I had on one hand. I didn’t have a big social group of friends like my sister. My friends was my friends and it was a little rough leaving them but I was able to get over it. We still send each other emails and pictures documenting our lives. I miss them a whole lot.
I turn to face the clock that’s on my night stand. I get up from leaning on the window to walk towards my computer desk. I look at the time on my cellphone. It’s about nine o’ clock at night, I was getting ready to call it a night. I was wearing my favorite blue and orange striped pajamas pants, a light blue tank top, with a small orange heart in the middle.
The wind outside was blowing strong making my room even colder than what it was. I shivered rubbing my arms trying to generate a little bit of heat while searching around my bedroom for the small portable heater. Since moving to this town, the nights was the worse and being near the mountains didn’t help.
                I clear space off my computer desk to make room for my small heater. I notice an old picture of me, my friends Haley, Carter, and Beth from my old high school that was taken doing Art Club. I met the girls in art class while I met Carter in science class. We was good friends till our friendship fell apart when Haley started falling for Carter while he in turn liked me. Haley and Beth are best friends and grew up together. I met them when they sat next to me in Art class. I met blue eyed Carter in Science class when he asked to borrow my textbook one day.
                Why we called him blue eyed Carter? Because he has the most beautiful light blue eyes. He liked me a whole lot and I didn’t feel that way for him. Even before I could tell him about my feelings, I moved away. A boy that pretty shouldn’t be dating a girl like me. I’m a fat black girl with a gut. I basically don’t care about anything that goes on in my life. I just wasn’t into him like he was with me. I guess you can say I was saved when my mother announced that we was moving.
I frown putting the picture face down on the desk not wanting to bring up sad memories. I still miss them each and every day. “Where is the heater?” I ask out loud searching around my room and opening up the closet to see it’s not in there. I scratch my head confused because I usually put it in my closet, on the floor in front of my only pair of black heels hoping they’ll catch fire. I walk out of my room to check the closet in the hallway.
                I’m walking towards the closet when I almost run directly into Janelle, my older sister on her cellphone coming out of her room. Janelle, a senior in high school who hope to study fashion in college. She’s known as the smart sister in our family who always followed the latest fashion.  She was the girl in the family and I was the tomboy.
Her eyes was puffy like she been crying for hours and her face looked worn out. She didn’t look like her usual happy self and she looked just plain ugly. I just kept walking because nine out of ten it was about her boyfriend, Liam and they was having another fight.  She never gave me a chance to ask what was going on before she ran into the bathroom across the hall. Click. She locked it.
I just walk towards the closet opening the door up to see the heater is not in there. “Mom.” I call out just in time to see her walking out of Janelle’s room. She has bags under her eyes making her look twice her age. “What is it, Mia? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?” She asks closing the door. “Yeah. Are you okay, Mom? You look kind of sick. Is everything okay?” I asked knowing she’s tired of Janelle’s drama. I’m tired of it.
“Go to bed.” She said walking past me and towards the bathroom that Janelle ran into. “She locked the door.” I say searching deeper into the closet, hearing Mom knocking on the door. “Janelle, open the door.” She pleads knocking and jiggling the door knob. I just shake my head moving the bath towels around trying to locate the small heater. “I don’t see the heater.” I say closing the door.
“It’s in the living room.” She say finally looking towards my direction and I jog downstairs to the living room to leave as Mom continue her knocking. I flop on the couch not before seeing a flashing cop car driving past our house and down the street. I get back up to look out of the window to try to see which house they drove to. “I can’t see. It’s too dark and the trees are blocking the way.” I mutter trying to look past the big trees. I don’t want to step outside because it’s too cold and its night time.
After about ten minutes of trying to figure out what’s going on, I just grab the heater off the coffee table and head back upstairs hearing crying and muttered talking coming from Mom’s room. I see Janelle relocated her drama to another room. My cell phone beeps alerting me of a text message. I jog to my room for my cell phone. I close the door behind me. “Where’s my phone?” I ask as I sit the heater on my desk, plugging it into the socket behind my desk. I turn the knob to turn it on while grabbing my cell phone from out of my book bag.
It’s a text from Thomas, one of my high school friends. He been my friend since the first day of school and we met in Math class. He lives further down the street. He might know what’s going on if the police passed my house than they most definitely passed his house.
                Thomas: The police just passed my house and stopped at Cynthia’s house.
                Me: Do you know why?
                Thomas: Nope but I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything else.
                Me: Thanks, Thomas.

                He sends me a smiley face and a good night. I send him one back too and close my phone down setting it on my nightstand. My phone beeps again and I just cut it off, drifting into darkness.

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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Self-Publishers Ambitions

If you're a self-publisher or just a reader, I've created a group were authors are the spotlight. Each certain day, we'll have a specific day for you were you can promote, give sneak peeks, or anything to get your book out but you must active. You can ask questions and get advice or give it. Its a normal group were we'll also have fun. Its not a promotion only group. You won't be limited to posting links like in other groups. Its a small group were we hope to grow into hundreds. Anyone is welcomed to join.

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